Beard is the identity of men. It is a form of self-expression. You can shape the beard to any length. Men have different tastes when it comes to beard styles.

Best Beard Styles For 2021 You Should Try

The 5 O’Clock Shadow

The 5 O’Clock Shadow

The 5 O’clock shadow is one of the best-heard styles for 2021. It is a timeless style that is a great way to begin your beard journey. The people who are in the corporate world love to have a 5 O’clock hairstyle. It is suitable for the ones with short hair due to genetics. It does not need much maintenance too. But remember to trim and moisturize it with beard oil. The 5 O’Clock Shadow will give you a sexy look.

The Business Beard

The Business Beard

Can you grow a long beard while working in a corporate setting? No, you can’t do it. But it is not required to go for a full shave. As the name suggests, the business beard is suitable for the corporate world. the length of the beard can range from half an inch to 1 inch. It is a well-manicured and trimmed beard style. You will get a refined look though it will feel boring.

Viking Beard

Viking Beard

The Viking beard stands for virility and all things masculine. Earlier this beard style was used to keep the face warm during the frigid winter months. Now, it is a fashion style. The Viking style needs precision, patience, and an adequate grooming routine. You need to comb the beard to keep it full and shiny.

The Full Beard Au Naturel

The Full Beard Au Naturel

The full beard Au Naturel is for men committed to the beard life. You need to have patience and regular upkeeping to maintain the style. Take the best beard wash to wash the beard, soften with a conditioner, and apply beard oil.



The goatee is for the ones who hate a face full of hair. The circle beard or the Goatee will give you a new look. Goatee style will give you a sophisticated look. You must consider the head shape when having the beard style. If you are having a round or long face then goatee style will suit you.

The Beardstache

The Beardstache

If you are struggling between a mustache or a beard, then go for beard stache. People are trying this style in the last couple of years. Beardstache is a mustache that is kept longer in thicker compared to the surrounding area. It will show off the strong jawline at the same time rocking thick facial fur.



A scruffy style beard gives you a wild and shaggy appearance. You can maintain the beard easily. But remember to trim and shape the beard when it comes to the desired length. Trimming will add symmetry and even out the beard. The best beard oil will help to moisturize the follicles.

Faded Beard

Faded Beard

Do you need to add a style to your beard? Then you must try a faded beard. The hair around the sideburns will taper and clean cheeks and fade down towards the jawline. Faded beard is one of the popular beard styles in 2021. Its popularity has not yet declined.