You need to maintain a correct posture to lead a healthy life. The root cause of many diseases like muscle tension, back pain, and strain in muscles are related to bad posture.

Common Posture Mistakes That Everyone Does And How To Fix Them

Let’s check out the common posture mistakes and ways to fix them.

Standing with a flat back

Standing with a flat back

Standing with a flat back is one of the common postures done by many people. Simply a flat back stands for a tucked pelvis and your lower back is straight instead of the natural curve. People having flat back face difficulties in standing for long periods. Muscle imbalance is one factor that causes this posture. If you are spending a long period in the standing position, there is a high possibility to undergo flat back. Neck and upper back strain will come as a side effect of flat back. You will remain leaning your neck and head forwards.

You can correct flat back by doing exercises that strengthen your neck, rear shoulder muscles, back extensions, core, and buttocks. Chest stretches, back extensions, plank, and side-lying leg raises exercises will help to correct a flat back.

Not moving enough

People used to stay in the same position for a long time. It is not good to stay too long in the same position. Your body needs movements and frequent postural changes. You must stretch, move, or change the body position at least once every 30 minutes. Staying in the same position for a long period will cause discomfort and pain. No matter how correct or good the posture is, too long in the same position can go wrong.

Looking at a particular spot for a long

We have used to look at a certain point for a long time. It can be on a computer, mobile phone, or even a book. When you are gazing downward for too long, the muscle in the neck and upper back will undergo tension. You can hold the handheld devices like mobile and books directly in front of you at eyes. So don’t keep them down around your waist. Try to keep the neck and spine in a neutral position while looking at the devices. You can zoom on the screen to avoid lean in.

Round shoulders

Round shoulders

You can easily figure out the round shoulder just by looking at yourself in a mirror. Let your arms hand naturally at your side. If your ankles are pointing forward then it can be an indication of round shoulders. Muscular imbalance, poor posture, too much focus on exercise will cause round shoulders.

You need to strengthen the upper back, chest muscles, and core can correct the round shoulder. You can do bridges, chest stretches, planks, and pull-ups.  

Leaning on one leg

Leaning on one leg

Leaning on one leg can cause discomfort. Muscular strain in the buttocks and lower back will come as a result of developing muscle imbalance around the pelvis area. Leaning on one leg is common among the students who carry heavy backpacks and mums holding toddlers on one hip. Try to stand with your weight evenly distributed on both legs. You can strengthen core muscles and buttocks by doing bridges, plank, and side-lying leg raises.